(785) 424-7504

What to do if a Tree Fell on Your Roof

When a tree falls on your roof, it can cause significant damage and it is important to take immediate action to protect your home and your safety.

The first step is to assess the damage. If the tree has fallen through the roof and into your home, it is important to evacuate the property immediately and call 911. If the tree has fallen on the roof but has not entered the home, you should still stay outside and call for professional help.

The next step is to call a professional roofing contractor like us and an arborist. We will be able to assess the damage to your roof and make any necessary repairs. The arborist will be able to safely remove the tree from your roof and any other debris.

It is important to not try to remove the tree or debris yourself as it can be dangerous and may cause further damage to your roof. Also, trying to remove the tree yourself can void any insurance claims.

After the tree has been removed, the roofing contractor will be able to make any necessary repairs to your roof. This may include replacing damaged shingles, repairing leaks, and reinforcing the structural integrity of your roof.

It is important to document the damage by taking pictures and keeping records of any repairs made. This will be useful if you need to file an insurance claim. Most homeowners’ insurance policies cover damage caused by falling trees, but it is important to check with your insurance company and understand the specifics of your policy.

In conclusion, a fallen tree on your roof can cause significant damage and it is important to take immediate action to protect your home and your safety. Call a professional roofing contractor and arborist to safely remove the tree and make any necessary repairs. Keep records and document the damage, this will be useful if you need to file an insurance claim.